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Infodoc ID |
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19070 |
how to use old .mwmrc files with CDE? |
1 May 1999 |
I would like to use my $HOME/.mwmrc file with CDE. How do I accomplish this?
To use an mwmrc config file with CDE(or to at least get the mouse pull-down
- Put the .mwmrc file in $HOME
- Edit the .mwmrc and change the following line:
Buttons DefaultButtonBindings
Buttons DtButtonBindings
- Create a .Xdefaults file in $HOME and put the following line in it:
Dtwm*configFile: /home/testuser/.mwmrc
Please note that the environment variable name $HOME may not work in
*** Sun does not support or endorse such customization of CDE. ***
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