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Infodoc ID   Synopsis   Date
11732   To run CDE and OpenLook on two screens of same X display   17 Nov 1995

Description Top
It is possible to run OpenWindows - meaning the Open Look Window Manager (olwm)
 -  on one head of a two-headed system, and the CDE window manager on the

This is possible because they are just window managers and have
options to say which screens of a display they will manage.

(You may need to vary this if your setup is unusual but this gives
the basic idea).

1) Ensure that CDE works fine on one or both heads

2) Run the command "xrdb -q | grep multiScreen".  If
   the line:

   Dtwm*multiScreen:       True


   Dtwm.multiScreen:      True

   appears, determine which of the user's resource files (e.g.,
   $HOME/.Xdefaults, $HOME/.dt/sessions/home/dt.resources, etc.) that line
   is located in, and remove all such lines.

3) Add the following line to the $HOME/.Xdefaults or
   $HOME/.dt/sessions/home/dt.resources file

   Dtwm*multiScreen:       False

4) Add the following line to the $HOME/.dt/sessions/sessionetc file:

  /usr/openwin/bin/olwm -single -display :0.1 &

where :0.1 is the number of the screen the user wants Openwindows to

   This will make CDE run on screen 0, and olwm on screen 1.

  If $HOME/.dt/sessions/sessionetc didn't exist before, make sure
  that the file executable by doing a "chmod a+x

The next time the user logs in from the CDE login screen,
Openwindows should come up on the specified head, and CDE on the other.
Applications started on the CDE screen will start there, and applications
started fromthe olwm menu on its screen. This is just normal behaviour.

You can still start up openlook or CDE applications on the other headby
setting the display arguments to the commands, but this allows you to
use your OpenLook menu and CDE front panel simultaneously.
Product Area Windows
Product CDE
OS Solaris 2.4
Hardware any


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