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Synopsis |
Date |
2350 |
Adding an image as a backdrop to CDE. |
5 Mar 1998 |
I want to insert a Gif into the choices of Backgrounds in Style manager.
Any suggestions?
1) Use ImageTool or XV to convert your image into an XPixMap (XPM) file,
and save it as File.pm, or whatever you want to call it.
2) Remember that if you use this background image, the number of colors
in it will not then be available in *any* of the other workspaces - so
if you have a standard 256 colour framebuffer, keep the colour count
low. You can use the ImageMagik tool "mogrify" with the -colors option
to reduce the colors in an image pretty cleanly. See the FAQ entitled
"How to convert colorful images for use as CDE icons - (2349-08)".
3) Create a directory in your ~/.dt directory called backdrops and save
this XPM image into it. Then restart your Window Manager. You should
now find this file in your list of pickable backdrops. Select it and