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Synopsis |
Date |
13746 |
vxinstall does not see any disks |
20 Jun 1996 |
IHAC who is trying to install SSA Volume manager 2.1.1 on a SS5
with a Model 112 SSA. The SS5 has Solaris 2.5 and the latest
2.5 patch cluster (including the 103017 patch). The SSA firmware
is at 3.6 already and the FCode is at 1.33, so these are not the
problem. The customer gets the following error when trying to
do a "custom" vxinstall:
No disks were found attached to controller c0
The same message appears for c1 which has the SSA on it.
By the way, the connection is good, the SS5 sees the Array during
bootup, etc. No other problems have been noticed during the install
prior to this.
I have seen cases where vxinstall does not see any drives on a controller
but the drives ARE there and even 'format' can see them. The problem
in these cases was that there was no partition #2 labelled with tag 5
(backup). Using the format command to create a slice 2 and make sure it's
labelled 'backup' allows vxinstall to see the disks.
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