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Infodoc ID |
Synopsis |
Date |
14087 |
Moving all volumes out of rootdg |
10 Aug 1996 |
Moving All Volumes Out of rootdg
For this procedure to work, you must have at least one drive with
no data on it for the duration of this procedure. This drive will become the
rootdg disk.
This procedure also requires that the root drive is NOT encapsulated.
1. Determine which drive will become the new rootdg disk.
2. Make sure that there are no subdisks on this drive.
3. Run:
vxdg rmdisk <dmname>
to remove this drive from the current rootdg.
4. Run:
vxdiskunsetup <devicename>
to remove the volume manager configuration from this particular driv,
for example:
vxdisksetup c#t#d#
5. Run:
vxdg list
and write down the rootdg's ID number (something like
"818948207.1025.abcxyz"). You will use this number later in this procedure.
6. Comment out all volume-manager volumes from the /etc/vfstab file.
7. Run:
touch /etc/vx/reconfig.d/state.d/install-db
8. Reboot the system
9. Run vxinstall. Choose the custom installation. Initialize only the
single drive you chose out in step 1.
Note: Leave all other disks alone. Do not encapsulate anything.
10. Run:
vxdg -n newdg import 818948207.1025.abcxyz
using the old rootdg ID number you got in step 5.
11. You now have a new disk group named "newdg" which contains all the volumes
that your original rootdg contained.
12. Change your /etc/vfstab file so that the volume names used are no longer
rootdg, but newdg.
13. Start all volumes by running:
vxvol -g newdg startall
14. Either reboot or run fsck on the volumes and run mountall.
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