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Infodoc ID |
Synopsis |
Date |
17003 |
After disk replacement in A5000 (Photon), Volume Manager gets error: cxtxxdxsx
online failed : device path not valid |
12 Jan 2000 |
When replacing a failed disk under Veritas control in the
A5000 (Photon), one cannot simply pull out the disk and replace it
with a new one as with other type of drive. Because of the
fact that each disk has a unique world-wide number (WWN), the following
procedure must be followed to correctly remove and replace any disk in
an A5000 (Sun Enterprise Network Array (SENA)).
If the correct procedure is not followed, Volume Manager may display the
device cxtxxdxsx online failed : device path not valid
when attempting to get the new disk online.
The following procedure illustrates the correct sequence of commands needed to
replace a disk in an A5000 array if Volume Manager is being used.
1) Inform Volume Manager you wish to remove the disk:
# vxdiskadm option 4 (Remove a disk for replacement)
2) Offline the device:
# vxdiskadm option 11 (Disable (offline) a disk device)
(use the c#t#d# name)
GUI Advanced-Ops->Disk->Offline
(use the Disks window; highight c#t#d#s#)
3) Remove the device and device nodes:
# luxadm remove_device enclosurename,[f|r]slot#
where: enclosure name is the name of A5000 as
reported by luxadm probe
f- front panel
r- rear panel
example: front panel slot 3 with box name = saturn
# luxadm remove_device saturn,f3
A. If removal says "device busy" and does not continue the
removal, do either:
1. On the front panel display, manually select the
disk to be replaced and stop it
2. force the disk removal with:
# luxadm -F remove_device enclosurename,[f|r]slot#
B. If this is a multi-initiated array (i.e., if there are more than one
systems connected to this disk drive), you must perform the previous
command on every system connected to the array.
4) Run the following command and then when prompted physically replace
the disk
# luxadm insert_device enclosurename,[f|r]slot#
to create the new device and device nodes. Again, on a multi-initiated
array, this command must be performed on all systems connected to the
5) Inform Volume Manager of the configuration changes with the command
# vxdctl enable
6) Bring the disk back online in Volume Manager:
# vxdiskadm option 5 (Replace a failed or removed disk)
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