Procedure to Relocate a Disk from One A3500 to Another
Note : This procedure will destroy any data on the disk being moved.
First, the procedure to relocate a disk was not designed into this product.
It was designed to have a set of disks which never get removed but
only added to, so this procedure is not always 'clean', and
instead of deleting the removed disk from the original A3500, it
may list the disk as "not responsive".
Because the rm6 config is stored on the disks, you MUST pull
the disk from the original a3500 and install it into the new
A3500 HOT (i.e. the A3500's are fully powered up).
1- Make sure that the disk is not used by any LUN
2- Locate the correct disk by using the rm6 GUI if necessary.
Bring up the configuration GUI and select the UNused pool to
flash the disk lights.
3- Pull the disk out of the A3500. With rm6 rev 6.1.1 update 1,
if the disk was unused, the controller should eventually recognize
that the disk was removed and delete it from the GUI.
4- Insert the disk in the new A3500 (remember you must do
this with the A3500 powered up).
5- When the disk spins up, the A3500 controller will recognize
it and add it to the unused pool.