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Infodoc ID   Synopsis   Date
13423   What is max number of files per filesystem?   24 Apr 1996

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Let's do a quick calculation.  We support up to 7TB in a file system.
Each file in an 8K file system takes about 1024B (frag) + 128B (inode) =
1152B Each cylinder group has an extra super block and cylinder group
block, which takes up, say 2% of the total disk space.  Since each file
system can be 2TB,  we can estimate that the maximum number of files we
can store on a 8K filesystem is 2,000,000,000,000 * .98 / 1152 =~
1,701,388,888 files.

On a 4K file system each frag is 512B (+ 128B (inode) = 640B) so you
should be able to store about 2,000,000,000,000 * .98 / 640 =
3,062,500,000 files.

These numbers assume enough inodes in the file system, so when you make
the file system you should specify the expected file size, and there is
some variation depending on the disk layout and cylinder group size.
Product Area Kernel
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OS Solaris 2.x
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