SunSolve Internal

Infodoc ID   Synopsis   Date
21252   How to change the hostname and/or IP address without sys-unconfig   7 Dec 1999

Description Top

Note #1: This procedure should not be use for NIS+ masters/replicas
or NIS masters.  This is only for client machines.

Note #2: This only changes the information locally.  If the system
is running NIS/NIS+ and/or DNS, then the changes need to be made
in these databases as well. 

To change the IP address for a machine without having to do sys-unconfig, edit
the following files:

1) /etc/hosts (change the IP address)
2) /etc/netmasks (if subnetting)
3) /etc/defaultrouter (to specify the new gateway for this subnet)

To change the hostname without having to do sys-unconfig, edit the following

1) /etc/hosts (change to the new hostname)
2) /etc/nodename (change to the new hostname)
3) /etc/hostname.<interface> (where <interface> is the name of the primary 
                              interface for this system, i.e hostname.hme0 or 
                              hostname.le0.  Change to the new hostname.)
4) /etc/net/ticlts/hosts (change both columns to the new hostname)
5) /etc/net/ticots/hosts (change both coluums to the new hostname)
6) /etc/net/ticotsord/hosts (change both columns to the new hostname)
Product Area Gen. Network
Product Interface Config
OS Solaris 2.x
Hardware n/a


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