SunSolve Internal

Infodoc ID   Synopsis   Date
14194   How to remove or recreate a NIS+ replica   11 Apr 2000

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There are situations where a NIS+ replica needs to be removed or
recreated (ie reinitialised).  For example if the database becomes
corrupted or it becomes out of sync with the master and never

The need to recreate a replica is very rare and the state of the
replica should be checked carefully before taking further action.

For example:

	If the replica appears to be out of sync with the master it is
	recommended that nisping(1M) is used to check that the replica
	is truly up to date and is reporting the same last update as
	seen on the master.

	A further test is to use nisprefadm(1M) or NIS_OPTIONS (see the
	Solaris Naming Administration Guide AnswerBook). Using these
	tools it is possible to force a client to use a particular
	server. Check the results from the master and the replica to
	see if there are still inconsistencies.

If it is shown that there is clearly a problem in the replica's
database it should be reinitialised. See the Solaris Naming
Administration Guide AnswerBook and nisrmdir(1) for more details.

The following description assumes a simple NIS+ domain with a root
directory and the standard org_dir and groups_dir directories. It
describes first removing the replica and then recreating it.

As root user on the rootmaster NIS+ system:

1) nisrmdir -f -s <actualreplicaname> org_dir.yourdomainname.
                                              you need this end dot 

     ex: nisrmdir -f -s total

2) nisrmdir -f -s <actualreplicaname> groups_dir.yourdomainname.               

     ex: nisrmdir -f -s total

3) nisrmdir -f -s <actualreplicaname> yourdomainname.
     ex: nisrmdir -f -s total

4) nisclient -co <actualreplicaname> 

   This overwrites creds for the replica 
   machine, It asks for the root password of the old replica.

As root user on the old replica:

a) rm -r /var/nis/*
b) rm /etc/.rootkey
c) ps -ef | grep nis , kill pids for all rpc.nisd and nis_cachemgr processes
d) nisclient -i -d <yourdomainname.> -h <rootmastername>   

   ex: nisclient -i -d -h woof

If it complains about not being able to find the /var/nis coldstart
file, ignore this.

5) Reboot the old replica (it will now be a NIS+ client only).

To convert the NIS+ client back to a replica, become root user on the
old replica:

1) start rpc.nisd 

2) As root user on root master system:
a) nisserver -R -d <yourdomainname.> -h <actualreplicaname> 

     ex: nisserver -R -d -h woof

b) nisping <yourdomainname.>
c) nisping groups_dir.<yourdomainname.>
d) nisping org_dir.<yourdomainname.>

     ex: nisping -C

e) Reboot the replica


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