1. What file is modified to enable savecore?
2. Where are adb macros stored?
3. You have run out of memory. How can you tell?
4. How many registers are available to any thread in a Sparc V8 system?
5. What is the adb macro used to get the time of a crash?
6. What is a context switch?
7. To examine an application for a memory leak using dbx, you must first compile it with the [?] option.A. -o B. -m C. -g D. -d
8. Name 2 Solaris commands used to examine core files.
9. What are some other utilities used to examine core files? Name 3.
10. What is "mutex" shorthand for?
11. Direct I/O is an option in what version of Solaris? When is it used?
12. Which tunable parameter controls the max # of processes per user?
13. What does modinfo do?
14. What does kmastat do?
15. What does mpstat do?
16. How do you bind a process to a specific CPU?
18. What command can you use to display the kernel symbol table?
19. Name 2 commands you can use to alter the priority of a job:
20. What are minfree, desfree, and lotsfree?
21. Describe the purpose of the following commands: A. iostat B. vmstat C. mpstat D. nfsstat E. pmap F. dispadmin G. psrinfo H. prex 22. What are tnfxtract and tnfdump used for?
23. If the panic string is "freeing free frag", is it a hardware or a software panic?
24. What is a deadman kernel?
25. What are slowscan, fastscan, and handspreadpages?