Infodoc ID |
Synopsis |
Date |
13031 |
NTS Annex Network Terminal Server PSD/MFAQ |
3 Jul 1996 |
SUNSERVICE Tip Sheet for Network Terminal Servers
Revision 1.1
March 26, 1996
1.0: About the NTS
1.1: Software and Hardware Requirements
2.0: Troubleshooting the NTS
3.0: Common How Tos
3.1: Software Installation
3.2: Booting
3.3: Configuring the NTS
3.4: Attaching Terminals, Modems, and Printers
3.4.1: Terminals
3.4.2: Modems
3.4.3: Printers
3.5: Setting up Security
3.6: NTS config file
3.7: PPP and SLIP
3.8: Using Name Servers
3.9: Using the NTS as a Console Server
4.0: Patches
5.0: References
6.0: Port Examples for dialin PPP
1.0 About the NTS
The Sun Network Terminal Server (NTS) is a networked device that
provides up to 64 asynchronous serial ports and one parallel printer
port. Its serial ports may be attached to modems, printers, and
terminals. The NTS is accessed through devices attached to its serial
ports or via telnet connections from hosts on the network. The NTS
provides software support for SLIP and PPP connections.
Each serial port supports BAUD rates from 50 to 38400. A standard
RS-232 25-pin interface is used. The parallel printer port uses a
25-pin connector and may be programmed to support Centronics or
Dataproducts interface signals. There is one console port which uses an
8-pin RJ45 connector. This port is used for first-time booting of the
NTS and for running various diagnostic utilities.
1.1 Software and Hardware Requirements
Before the NTS becomes operational, its software must be loaded from a
Sun boot host. Sun's current release is "1.0 Sun Network Terminal
Server" (part number 704-3512-11). This software is supported on Sun
platforms running either Solaris 1.X or Solaris 2.X. An ASCII terminal
is needed as a console for initial configuration and booting.
2.0 Troubleshooting the NTS
The NTS front panel has six system indicators and eight status lights.
The system indicators are labeled: Power, Unit Net Attn, Load, and Active
The status lights are numbered one to eight.
The status indicators show port activity during normal operation. Each
light supports 8 ports. If an error occurs, save the status of these
lights to assist in diagnosing the problem.
Pressing the test switch on the front panel within 30 seconds of power
on or reset puts the NTS into test mode. The NTS also runs a set of
diagnostics during normal power-on.
The test sequences are fully described in chapter 4 of the NTS Hardware
install Guide Part Number: 801-3990-11. Customers are expected to have
this manual on hand when calling Sun Service for assistance with the NTS.
3.1 Software Installation
The NTS software must be loaded from CDROM onto a Sun system before it
can be downloaded to the NTS. Mount the release CD and load the
software using either swmtool (2.X) or cdmanager (1.X). Follow
instructions found in the NTS Software Installation Notes.
3.2 Booting
After the release software has been installed on a Sun boot host, the
NTS is ready to be booted and configured.
1) Attach a terminal to the console port found at the rear of the
NTS using the supplied RJ45 cable. An extra 25-pin RS-232
cable wired straight through will be needed for connecting the
terminal to the RJ45 cable. Set the terminal for 9600 BAUD, 8
bits, no parity, and 1 stop bit.
2) Power on the NTS and immediately depress the TEST button on the
front panel. The TEST light will come on. The NTS now runs
through various diagnostic tests. After one minute you should see
the "monitor:" prompt on the console. If you do not, check the
front panel for any STATUS lights. They should all be off at this
point. A description of STATUS indicators can be found in Chapter
4 of the NTS Hardware Installation Guide. If no STATUS lights are
lit and no "monitor:" prompt appears, check the console cabling
and terminal settings.
3) Enter "addr" at the prompt. You will then be asked to provide
some values such as the NTS Internet Address and the Preferred
Load Host Address. This latter parameter will be the IP address
for the Sun host which has the NTS software installed. In most
cases, the default values for the remaining parameters may be
4) Enter "boot -l" at the monitor prompt.
Enter <CR> when asked for the boot file name.
Various boot messages will be displayed on the console.
If the NTS says can't boot from self, at the monitor prompt
type "sequence"; you will be prompted for the boot device. Enter:
The NTS will now try booting from itself and then the net.
NOTE: An erpcd daemon must be running on the boot host before the
boot image can be downloaded. It is usually started via an
rc script, but may be run manually by executing /etc/erpcd.
See page 16 in the NTS Software Installation Notes.
Booting takes approximately 4 minutes. When booting is complete, the
NTS console becomes inoperable. The NTS must now be accessed from a
serial port or via the network. After the boot image is downloaded to
the NTS and stored in ROM, the NTS has the ability to boot unattended
when it is powered on or is reset via the red button on the rear panel.
Whether the NTS boots from itself or from the boot host is determined by
the value of the_dump_sequence parameter. See 3.3: Configuring the NTS.
This may also be set from the console with the "sequence" command.
In addition to the boot command, there are several other useful ROM
monitor commands. See Chapter 3 in the Hardware Installation Guide for
a complete description of these commands.
addr - displays and sets EEPROM values relevant to network addressing
config - displays the current hardware configuration
console-baud - changes the console port's BAUD rate
erase - erases non-volatile memory
help - displays the list of ROM monitor commands
image - displays or sets the load image and tftp load dump names
net - performs an Ethernet transceiver loopback test
ports - shows the current status of all ports and tests specific ports
remote-lpbk - performs a remote network loopback on the LAN
rmt-diags - provides remote diagnostic capability
sequence - displays and edits the load/dump interface list
slip - defines a serial port as a SLIP network interface
stats - displays current network statistics gathered by the ROM
3.3 Configuring the NTS
After the NTS has booted up, it is usually necessary to change some of
the configuration parameters. These parameters may be divided into two
groups; those for the NTS itself, and those for individual serial
ports. While these two groups are different, they can be displayed and
modified using the same utilities. The chief utility used for
configuring the NTS is "na", or network administrator, which is found
in the /usr/bin directory of the boot host.
For example, enter the na command from the Sun boot host:
# na
annex network administrator R7.0 August 7, 1992
command: (Specify which NTS you want:)
command: annex or command:
annex nts-server
At this point various "na" commands can be executed:
command: "show annex" displays the current NTS configuration.
command: "set annex" is used to change configuration parameters.
The syntax is:
set annex [parameter] [value]
For example:
command: set annex inet_addr
command: set annex image_name oper.42.enet
command: set annex pref_name1_addr
Multiple parameters can be changed with one "set" command.
command: set annex inet_addr image_name oper.42.enet
After you make the changes, they can be reviewed with the "show annex"
command. To make any changes permanent, execute the reset annex all
command or boot the NTS. All of the NTS parameters are described in
detail in Book A of the NTS Administrator's Guide.
Some other useful na commands are:
boot - boots the NTS
copy - copies NTS, port, and printer configuration parameters to
other NTS ports and printers
dumpboot - boots the NTS and produces a dump
help - displays help for commands and parameters
password - defines a default administrative NTS password
port - defines a default port_set used with subsequent commands
printer - defines a default printer_setused with subsequent commands
quit - terminates na
read - reads and executes a script file
reset - resets the NTS or a port
set - defines or modifies the values of a parameter
show - displays the current values of a parameter
write - writes the current configuration to a script file
For a complete description of these commands, see Book C of the
NTS Administrator's Guide.
3.4 Attaching Terminals, Modems, and Printers
The most important parameter to be configured for any serial port is
its mode. The mode depends on the intended use for the port and
can be set with the na utility.
The port modes are:
cli - provides access to the CLI from a terminal or modem ppp can be
started at this prompt.
slave - provides access to a port with no CLI. Used for printers and
adaptive - provides slave capability when the port is accessed over the
network and cli capability when the port is accessed from a
serial device.
dedicated - the port can only communicate with one specific host
defined by the "dedicated_address" parameter" the
dedicated_port is usually set to telnet.
slip - the port provides a SLIP interface
unused - the port has no connection and the NTS ignores it.
3.4.1 Terminals
The NTS serial ports are commonly used for attaching ASCII terminals.
They are connected via standard RS-232 null modem cables. i.e., pins 2
and 3 crossed, and pin 7 straight through. The port configuration
parameters must be set to match the characteristics for the particular
The most important parameters to be concerned with when
setting up a terminal are:
mode, data_bits, parity, term_var, speed, and stop_bits.
For example:
# na
Annex network administrator R7.0 August 7, 1992
command: annex nts_server
command: port 5
command: set port mode cli speed 19200 parity none
data_bits 8 stop_bits 1
command: reset 5
Many terminal ports are set for "cli" mode. CLI is the Command Line
Interpreter and provides a login to the NTS itself. The default login
prompt is "annex:". Once logged in, the user can telnet or rlogin to
another host on the network, or may run various CLI utilities. These
bg - puts a job in the background
fg - resumes a job which has been placed in the background
help - online help
hangup - terminates all jobs and resets the port
hosts - displays the names and addresses of systems in the NTS host
jobs - displays information for all current jobs
kill - terminates a connection and ends a job
lock - prevents unauthorized use of the port to which a terminal is
netstat - displays NTS network information and statistics
ppp - starts up a PPP session
rlogin - connects to another host using rlogin protocol
slip - starts up a slip session on the port
stats - displays useful NTS statistics
stty - display or change port tty parameters for this CLI session only
telnet - connect to another host using telnet protocol
who - shows current users of NTS ports
There is also a set of CLI commands reserved for the super-user. These
include "boot", which reboots the NTS, and "admin", which provides
several of the "na" commands for configuring the NTS.
Terminal ports may also be set for "dedicated" mode. This provides
direct rlogin or telnet connections to the host specified by the
"dedicated_address" parameter.
3.4.2 Modems
Modems attached to NTS ports may be set up to be dialin only, dialout
only, or bidirectional. The important port parameters for modems are:
mode, control_lines, input_flow_control, output_flow_control,
bidirectional_modem, and need_dsr.
For a "dialin only" modem:
mode - dedicated or cli
type - dial_in
speed - (BAUD rate) or autobaud
control_lines - modem_control or both
input_flow_control - eia or start/stop
output_flow_control - eia or start/stop
term_var - dialup
To use hardware flow control (eia) and modem control, set the
control_lines parameter to "both". When a port is set for
"modem_control" , DTR is asserted by the NTS when the port is ready for
use, and it waits for DCD and DSR to be asserted by the modem before
opening the session. A drop of DCD will cause the port to be reset.
For a "dialout only" modem:
mode - slave
speed - BAUD rate
control_lines - modem_control or both
input_flow_control - eia or start/stop
output_flow_control - eia or start/stop
bidirectional_modem - Y
For a "bidirectional" modem:
mode - adaptive
type - dialin
speed - BAUD rate/autobaud
control_lines - modem_control or both
input_flow_control - eia or start/stop
output_flow_control - eia or start/stop
bidirectional_modem - Y
The "bidirectional_modem" parameter allows network connections to the
port without waiting for DCD to be asserted. A modem configured as
bidirectional or dialout only can be accessed from a Sun host on the
network by use of the "rtelnet" utility. Rtelnet provides a direct
transparent connection between a special file on a Sun host and a
specific NTS port. The rtelnet utility is started from the Sun host and
its process runs in the background.
The command syntax is:
# rtelnet [options] nts_id nts_port /dev/new_dev_name
For example:
# rtelnet -br our_nts 5 /dev/modem
This will allow an application such as tip or uucp to connect to the
modem on port 5 of our_nts via the device /dev/modem. Ports set for
rtelnet access should be set for "slave" or "adaptive" mode. The
rtelnet utility has many more options than those listed above. See page
C-97 of the NTS Administrator's Guide. Rtelnet commands may be run
manually but these processes are typically started via an "rc" script
at boot-up of the workstation so that the modem connections are ready as
soon as the workstation is fully booted. The rtelnet sessions must be
restarted after every boot by one of the above methods.
3.4.3 Printers
The NTS's serial and parallel ports can be used for attaching printers.
These printers can be accessed from any host on the local network.
There are two methods for printing to such printers:
a) aprint utility
b) lp or lpr on a Sun host via rtelnet
The aprint utility enables you to print a file to a printer attached to
an NTS serial or parallel port. It can be used as a direct command or
integrated into the standard host print spooling system. For instance,
for Solaris 2.X, it can be included as part of the printer interface
script. (See page A-65 in the NTS administrators Guide.)
The command syntax is:
# aprint -Aannex -Lline -pprinterport filename
where "annex" is the NTS name or IP address, "line" is the NTS serial
port number, "printerport" is the parallel port (1), and "filename" is
the file to be printed. If "line" is "0" or missing, the parallel port
is used. The printer must be capable of printing the type of file sent
to it (Postscript or Ascii).
To submit a job to a printer on port 5 of nts-server:
# aprint -Ants_server -L5 /etc/passwd
The most common way to set up a printer on the NTS is with an rtelnet
connection. This makes it possible to use the lp print system with all
of its filters and options. The rtelnet connection is transparent to lp
and the printer appears to be a local printer.
First, run the rtelnet command:
# rtelnet -broa nts_server 5 /dev/printer
Note: The "-a" option is needed for System 5 printing.
The "-o" option prevents the truncation of large files.
"5" is the port on the NTS the printer is attached to.
rtelnet does not work with the parallel port.
Then set up a local printer with lpadmin, Printer Manager, or
by creating an /etc/printcap entry, depending on whether you are running
Solaris 2.X or 1.X. Use "/dev/printer" as the device name. Jobs may now
be submitted using the "lp" or "lpr" command.
Flow Control for Printers
Printers attached to NTS serial ports may use either software
(XON/XOFF) or hardware (RTS/CTS) flow control. The default for the
ports is XON/XOFF.
To use hardware flow control, set the port parameter
output_flow_control to "eia". In most cases a special cable will be
needed. If the printer drops DTR (pin 20) when its buffer is full,
wire pin 20 (DTR) on the printer to pin 5 (CTS) on the NTS serial port.
Consult the user's guide for the printer to determine how it does
hardware flow control. Wire the appropriate pin on the printer side to
pin 5 (CTS) on the NTS side.
3.5 Security
There are several types and levels of security used on the NTS.
Security may be set for the NTS as a whole or on an individual port
basis.. There is a superuser password for the NTS that is required to
access certain administrative commands.
NOTE: the default superuser password is the Internet Address of
the NTS.
The two main types of NTS security are VCLI and CLI. VCLI monitors
connections to the NTS from the network. CLI monitors connections from
devices attached to serial ports. Both types of security may be either
host-based or local. Host-based security uses an acp_passwd file on a
Sun host. Local security uses passwords and usernames on the NTS
To use any type of security except the superuser password, the
enable_security parameter must be set to "Y". Host-based security may
be used for both VCLI and CLI security. To enable host-based security
for the NTS, set the pref_secure1_host parameter to the address of the
security host. The pref_secure2_host parameter may also be set as a
backup. The security host must contain an acp_passwd file in the /etc
directory. This file takes the format of a regular password file,
i.e., /etc/passwd for Solaris 1.X and /etc/shadow for Solaris 2.X. An
easy way to set this up is to link /etc/acp_passwd to either
/etc/passwd or /etc/shadow. That way users can have the same login
names and passwords for the NTS as they do for the Sun system. It also
makes administration simpler.
For example:
# ln -s /etc/shadow /etc/acp_passwd
To set up VCLI security with host-based security:
- set enable_security to Y
- set vcli_security to Y
- create the acp_passwd file on the security host
Users will be required to supply a username and password to access CLI
ports from the network.
To set up VCLI security with local security:
- set enable_security to Y
- set vcli_security to N
- define a password using the vcli_password parameter
If vcli_security is "Y" and the vcli_password is set, host-based
security will be used. If the security host cannot be reached, then
the vcli_password must be entered.
CLI security is configured on a per port basis. If set, it requires
user validation for CLI connections made from devices attached to the
serial ports. Host-based security requires a username and password.
Local security requires only a password.
To set up host-based CLI security for a port:
- set enable_security to Y (on the NTS)
- set cli_security to Y (on the port)
- create the acp_passwd file on the security server
To use local password protection as a backup to host-based security,
define a password with the port_password parameter. To use only local
security for CLI security, set the cli_security to "N" and define a
port password with the port_password parameter.
3.6 NTS Configuration File
The NTS reads its configuration file at boot time. It is not necessary
that this file contain anything or that it even exist for normal
operation. The default name is "config.annex". Its name can be
changed with the config_file parameter. The configuration file is
located on the boot host in the /var/spool/erpcd/bfs directory. It
can also be created on the local NTS filesystem using the superuser
CL "edit" command. Which of these configuration files is read depends
upon whether the NTS boots from itself or from the boot host. Only
certain types of entries should be put into the configuration file.
These include; entries for gateways, rotaries, and macros (for
customizing the CLI interface).
Here is a sample gateway entry so that the NTS may access systems
outside its own subnet:
net gateway metric 1 hardwired
This means that the host with IP address serves as a
gateway to the network. The NTS must reside on the net. See Chapter 9, page A-97 of the NTS Administrator's
Guide for more information.
3.7 PPP and SLIP
The NTS supports both PPP and SLIP connections to its serial ports.
TO use PPP set the mode for the port to cli and start ppp at the
annex: prompt by typing ppp. This may be setup for an automated
login i.e. expect annex: send ppp. As soon as a connection is made,
the selected service will start up. There are several port
parameters which may have to be set for SLIP or PPP. See chapter 7,
page A-77 and chapter 8, page A-87 in the NTS Administrator's Guide for
specific setup instructions.
For a "dialin only" modem running PPP:
mode - cli
type - dial_in
speed - autobaud
control_lines - both
input_flow_control - eia
output_flow_control - eia
dialup_address -N
remote_address - (ip address of system dialing in)
local_address -
See page A-92 for examples to set up security in the Network Terminal
Server Administrators Guide and section 3.5 in this document.
Sample port setups for PPP are in section 6.0 of this document.
3.8 Using Name Servers
Name servers allow the use of host names instead of IP addresses when
accessing systems on the network. The NTS supports the use of two
types of name servers: DNS and IEN-116. DNS (Domain Name System)
uses a distributed host database such as Sun's NIS. IEN-116 uses the
/etc/hosts database on the designated name server. To use a name
service, use the na utility to set the name_server_1 and
pref_name1_addr parameters.
Valid entries for the name_server_1 parameter are:
dns, ien_116 or none.
The pref_name1_addr parameter should be set to the IP address of the
name server. The NTS can also build and update its internal hosts
table by listening to RWHO broadcasts. To enable this feature, set the
rwhod parameter to "Y".
3.9 Using the NTS as a Console Server
The NTS is commonly used as a console server for Sun systems. This
eliminates the cost of providing video monitors for every system and
allows for remote administration of multiple systems.
To set up the NTS as a console server:
1. Run a null modem cable between the NTS serial port and the ttya
port of the Sun system. Pins 2 and 3 crossed and pins 7 straight
2. Set the NTS port mode to "slave".
3. Set "control_lines" to "none".
4. Set "need_dsr" to N.
5. Set the NTS port for the correct speed, parity, data bits and stop
bits. These should match the Sun serial port settings. The defaults
are 9600 BAUD, 8 bits, no parity, 1 stop bit.
6. Set the NVRAM port parameters on the Sun from the "ok" prompt:
setenv ttya-ignore-cd true
setenv ttya-rts-dtr-off false
setenv ttya-mode 9600,8,n,1,-
setenv output-device ttya
setenv input-device ttya
Power-cycle the Sun. Console output should now go to ttya. To
see this, telnet to the NTS from a shell tool on another Sun. When the
connection is made, type in the appropriate NTS port number. This
shelltool will now serve as the console screen for the headless Sun
NOTE: On some Sun systems it may be necessary to disconnect the
keyboard before console output can be seen on ttya.
4.0 Patches
Patch-ID# 101875-02
Note: This patch is recommended and contains many fixes not
documented in the patch readme.
Keywords: NTS, annex, rtelnet, aprint, oper.42.enet, oper.52.enet,
Synopsis: NTS 1.0: Rtelnet timeout problems & lost print jobs using
Date: Jun/28/95
Solaris Release: 1.1.x, 2.x
4.1.x, 5.x
Unbundled Product: NTS 1.0, Micro Annex 1.0
5.0 References
1.0 Sun Network Terminal Server R7.0
Part Number 704-3512-11
6.0 Examples for dialin PPP
These are the port settings required for running dialin ppp on the
Network Terminal Server. The required setting are listed on page
A-91 PPP Configurations for Dial-up. A more detailed explanation
of each setting required for PPP is on pages C-46 to C-48 of the
Network Terminal Server Administrators Guide.
This example is for port 16 on the NTS.
Port 16:
Port Generic Parameters
mode: cli location: ""
type: dial_in term_var: ""
prompt: "" speed: 19200
data_bits: 8 stop_bits: 1
parity: none max_session_count: 3
allow_broadcast: Y broadcast_direction: port
imask_7bits: N cli_imask7: Y
ps_history_buffer: 0 banner: Y
Flow Control and Signal Parameters
control_lines: both input_flow_control: eia
input_start_char: ^Q input_stop_char: ^S
output_flow_control: eia output_start_char: ^Q
output_stop_char: ^S input_buffer_size: 1
bidirectional_modem: N ixany_flow_control: N
need_dsr: Y
Port Timers and Counters
forwarding_timer: 5 forwarding_count: 0
cli_inactivity: off inactivity_timer: off
input_is_activity: Y output_is_activity: N
reset_idle_time_on: input long_break: Y
short_break: Y
Port Security Parameters
user_name: "" cli_security: N
connect_security: N port_server_security: N
port_password: "<unset>"
CLI Line Editing Parameters
attn_string: "" echo: Y
telnet_escape: ^] telnet_crlf: N
map_to_lower: N map_to_upper: N
char_erase: Y line_erase: Y
hardware_tabs: Y erase_char: ^?
erase_word: ^W erase_line: ^U
redisplay_line: ^R toggle_output: ^O
newline_terminal: N
Serial Networking Protocol Parameters
local_address: remote_address:
dialup_addresses: N metric: 0
slip_ppp_security: N
SLIP Parameters
subnet_mask: slip_load_dump_host:
slip_allow_dump: Y slip_mtu_size: small
slip_do_compression: N slip_allow_compression: N
slip_no_icmp: N slip_tos: N
PPP Parameters
ppp_mru: 1500 ppp_acm: 0x0
ppp_security_protocol: none ppp_username_remote: ""
ppp_password_remote: "<unset>"
Dedicated Port Parameters
dedicated_address: dedicated_port: telnet
admin : show annex
Boot and Network Parameters
inet_addr: subnet_mask:
pref_load_addr: pref_dump_addr:
load_broadcast: Y broadcast_addr:
load_dump_gateway: load_dump_sequence: self,net
image_name: "" motd_file: "motd"
config_file: "config.annex" authoritative_agent: Y
routed: Y server_capability: none
disabled_modules: none tftp_load_dir: ""
tftp_dump_name: ""
VCLI Parameters
max_vcli: unlimited cli_prompt: "%a%c"
vcli_security: Y vcli_password: "<unset>"
Nameserver Parameters
nameserver_broadcast: N rwhod: Y
pref_name1_addr: name_server_1: ien_116
pref_name2_addr: name_server_2: none
host_table_size: 64 min_unique_hostnames: Y
Security Parameters
enable_security: N security_broadcast: Y
pref_secure1_host: pref_secure2_host:
network_turnaround: 2 acp_key: "<unset>"
password: "<unset>"
Hardware Parameters
ipencap_type: ethernet
Time Parameters
time_broadcast: N daylight_savings: us
timezone_minuteswest: 300
SysLog Parameters
syslog_mask: none syslog_facility: log_local7
syslog_host: syslog_port: 0
LAT Parameters
lat_key: "" sys_location: ""
SNMP Parameters
allow_snmp_sets: N
nts-ppp Any ACU 19200 6910405 "" P_ZERO "" \r annex: ppp
ACU cua/a - Any hayes
Direct cua/a - 38400 direct
hayes =,-, "" \dA\pTE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255\r\c OK\r \EATDT\T\r\c
ifconfig ipdptp0 plumb top-ppp nts-ppp up
interface ipdptp0
peer_system_name nts-ppp
negotiate_address on
debug_level 9
/etc/init.d/asppp stop
/etc/init.d/asppp start
verify with:
ifconfig -a
verify with:
netstat -rn
18:08:14 process_ipd_msg: ipdptp0 needs connection
Trying entry from '/etc/uucp/Systems' - device type ACU.
Device Type ACU wanted
Trying device entry 'cua/a' from '/etc/uucp/Devices'.
processdev: calling setdevcfg(ppp, ACU)
fd_mklock: ok
fixline(14, 19200)
gdial(hayes) called
Trying caller script 'hayes' from '/etc/uucp/Dialers'.
expect: ("")
got it
sendthem (DELAY
TE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255^M<NO CR>)
expect: (OK^M)
ATE1V1X1Q0S2=255S12=255^M^M^JOK^Mgot it
sendthem (ECHO CHECK ON
A^JATTDDTT66991100440055^M^M<NO CR>)
expect: (CONNECT)
STTY crtscts
getto ret 14
expect: ("")
got it
expect: ("")
got it
sendthem (^M^M)
expect: (annex:)
^M^Jannex:got it
sendthem (ppp^M)
call cleanup(0)^M
18:08:47 004899 ipdptp0 PPP DIAG OPEN
18:08:47 004900 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 23 Octets LCP Config-Req ID=70
MRU=1500 MAG#=d28c86cc ProtFCOMP AddrCCOMP
18:08:48 004901 ipdptp0 RECEIVE {Unescaped characters: 0a 0d } PPP ASYNC 27
Octets {BAD FCS} NB (A) {Unrecognized protocol: 7070 70 0d 0a 0d 0a 53 77 69
74 63 68 69 6e 67 20 74 6f 20 50 50 ..... }
18:08:48 004902 ipdptp0 RECEIVE PPP ASYNC 19 Octets NB LCP Config-Req ID=01
LEN=14 ACCM=00000000 ProtFCOMP AddrCCOMP
18:08:48 004903 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 23 Octets LCP Config-Req ID=71
MRU=1500 MAG#=d28c86cc ProtFCOMP AddrCCOMP
18:08:48 004904 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 19 Octets NB LCP Config-ACK ID=01
LEN=14 ACCM=00000000 ProtFCOMP AddrCCOMP
18:08:49 004905 ipdptp0 RECEIVE PPP ASYNC 15 Octets LCP Config-REJ ID=71
LEN=10 MAG#=d28c86cc
18:08:49 004906 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 23 Octets NB LCP Config-Req ID=72
LEN=18 MRU=1500 MAG#=1f1218ff ProtFCOMP AddrCCOMP
18:08:49 004907 ipdptp0 RECEIVE PPP ASYNC 15 Octets NB LCP Config-REJ ID=72
LEN=10 MAG#=1f1218ff
18:08:49 004909 ipdptp0 RECEIVE PPP ASYNC 15 Octets NB LCP Config-REJ ID=73
LEN=10 MAG#=fdd4981e
18:08:49 004910 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 17 Octets NB LCP Config-Req ID=74
18:08:49 004911 ipdptp0 RECEIVE PPP ASYNC 17 Octets NB LCP Config-ACK ID=74
18:08:49 004912 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 21 Octets NB (A) IP_NCP Config-Req
18:08:49 004913 ipdptp0 RECEIVE PPP ASYNC 15 Octets NB IP_NCP Config-NACK
18:08:49 004914 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 21 Octets NB (A) IP_NCP Config-Req
18:08:49 004915 ipdptp0 RECEIVE PPP ASYNC 21 Octets NB IP_NCP Config-ACK
18:08:52 004916 ipdptp0 RECEIVE PPP ASYNC 21 Octets NB IP_NCP Config-Req
18:08:52 004917 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 15 Octets (A) IP_NCP Config-NACK
18:08:52 004918 ipdptp0 RECEIVE PPP ASYNC 21 Octets NB IP_NCP Config-Req
18:08:52 004919 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 21 Octets NB (A) IP_NCP Config-ACK
18:08:52 start_ip: IP up on interface ipdptp0, timeout set for 120 seconds
18:10:51 process_ipd_msg: interface ipdptp0 has timed out
18:10:51 disconnect: disconnected connection from ipdptp0
18:10:52 004921 ipdptp0 RECEIVE {Unescaped characters: 00 } PPP ASYNC 9
Octets IP_NCP Term-ACK ID=77 LEN=4
18:10:52 004922 ipdptp0 SEND PPP ASYNC 9 Octets NB LCP Term-REQ ID=78 LEN=4
18:10:52 004923 ipdptp0 RECEIVE PPP ASYNC 9 Octets LCP Term-ACK ID=78 LEN=4
18:10:53 004924 ipdptp0 PPP DIAG CLOSE
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