Infodoc ID |
Synopsis |
Date |
2169 |
Kernel failure messages |
25 Feb 1996 |
Following is a list of kernel failure messages, along with explanations of what the likely causes are.
The MESSAGE TYPE is listed first, followed by the SOURCE FILE, the FUNCTION and the most likely CAUSE.
create failed,
out of kernel
memory uprin
f sys/tmpfs/tmp_
vnodeops.c (line 652) tmp_create()
The function call tmpnode_alloc() failed. Hardware.
current user
process printf sys/sun/subr_
crash.c (line 295) dumpsys(), which dumps the system state.
The kernel was hit with an interrupt service
request while trying to dump the current user
process. The context is that dumpsys() is
called only when the kernel has experienced
some fatal error, i.e. the kernel is already in
failure mode. In failure mode the kernel
can't service interrupts. Before dumping the
current user process, setjmp() is called to
save the current stack frame. In the event of
any interrupt, longjmp() is called to
return to the saved stack frame, and the error
message is printed. Hardware.
else" pages printf sys/sun/subr_
crash.c (line 327) dumpsys(), which dumps the system state.
The kernel was hit with an interrupt service
request while trying to dump "everything
else". The context is that dumpsys() is
called only when the kernel has experienced
some fatal error, i.e. the kernel is already in
failure mode. In failure mode the kernel
can't service interrupts. Before dumping
"everything else", setjmp() is called to
save the current stack frame. In the event of
any interrupt, longjmp() is called to
return to the saved stack frame, and the error
message is printed. Hardware.
pages printf /sys/sun/subr_
crash.c (line 216) dumpsys(), which dumps the system state.
The kernel was hit with an interrupt service
request while trying to dump the static
system map pages. The context is that
dumpsys() is called only when the kernel
has experienced some fatal error, i.e. the
kernel is already in failure mode. In failure
mode the kernel can't service interrupts.
Before dumping the static system map
pages, setjmp() is called to save the
current stack frame. In the event of any
interrupt, longjmp() is called to return to
the saved stack frame, and the error message
is printed. Hardware.
kernel heap printf sys/sun/subr_
crash.c (line 236) dumpsys(), which dumps the system state.
The kernel was hit with an interrupt service
request while trying to dump the heap. The
context is that dumpsys() is called only
when the kernel has experienced some fatal
error, i.e. the kernel is already in failure
mode. In failure mode the kernel can't
service interrupts. Before dumping the heap,
setjmp() is called to save the current
stack frame. In the event of any interrupt,
longjmp() is called to return to the saved
stack frame, and the error message is
printed. Hardware.
kernel segv printf sys/sun/subr_
crash.c (line 278) dumpsys(), which dumps the system state.
The kernel was hit with an interrupt service
request while trying to dump the segv
(segment vectors). The context is that
dumpsys() is called only when the kernel
has experienced some fatal error, i.e. the
kernel is already in failure mode. In failure
mode the kernel can't service interrupts.
Before dumping the segv (segment
vectors), setjmp() is called to save the
current stack frame. In the event of any
interrupt, longjmp() is called to return to
the saved stack frame, and the error message
is printed. Hardware
segkmap printf sys/sun/subr_
crash.c (line 262) dumpsys(), which dumps the system state.
The kernel was hit with an interrupt service
request while trying to dump the segkmap.
The context is that dumpsys() is called
only when the kernel has experienced some
fatal error, i.e. the kernel is already in failure
mode. In failure mode the kernel can't
service interrupts. Before dumping the
segkmap, setjmp() is called to save the
current stack frame. In the event of any
interrupt, longjmp() is called to return to
the saved stack frame, and the error message
is printed. Hardware.
dumping user
stacks printf sys/sun/subr_
crash.c (line 313) dumpsys(), which dumps the system state.
The kernel was hit with an interrupt service
request while trying to dump the user stacks.
The context is that dumpsys() is called
only when the kernel has experienced some
fatal error, i.e. the kernel is already in failure
mode. In failure mode the kernel can't
service interrupts. Before dumping the user
stacks, setjmp() is called to save the
current stack frame. In the event of any
interrupt, longjmp() is called to return to
the saved stack frame, and the error message
is printed. Hardware.
dumping user
struct printf sys/sun/subr_
crash.c (line 252) dumpsys(), which dumps the system state.
The kernel was hit with an interrupt service
request while trying to dump the user struct.
The context is that dumpsys() is called
only when the kernel has experienced some
fatal error, i.e. the kernel is already in failure
mode. In failure mode the kernel can't
service interrupts. Before dumping the user
struct, setjmp() is called to save the
current stack frame. In the event of any
interrupt, longjmp() is called to return to
the saved stack frame, and the error message
is printed. Hardware.
file system
full, anon
exceeded log sys/tmpfs/tmp_
vnodeops.c (line 279) rwtmp()
The function call tmpnode_findpage() failed. Hardware.
free inode
isn't panic sys/ufs/ufs_inode.c
(line 234) iget(), which is an inode lookup function.
ITOV(ip)->v_count != 0, where ip
is declared "struct inode *ip".
Evidently an inode that was thought to be
free actually wasn't free. Most likely the
kernel was interrupted and another process
grabbed the inode before the kernel could
complete. A kernel race condition.
free: bad size panic sys/ufs/ufs_alloc.c
(line 418) free(), which places a specified block or fragment
back into the free map. The size of the block or fragment to free was
too large or could not be aligned properly.
free: freeing
free block panic sys/ufs/ufs_alloc.c
(line 440) free(), which places a specified block or fragment
back into the free map. The block or fragment to free already is free
according to the governing data structures.
free: freeing
free frag panic sys/ufs_alloc.c
(line 465) free(), which places a specified block or fragment
back into the free map. The fragment to be deallocated is still
currently allocated.
rnTable! printf sys/sunwindow/rect
/rectlist.c (line 508) _rl_getrectnode().
The function call kmem_zalloc() failed
to allocate enough space for the rnTable.
input ring
overflow log sys/sundev/mcp_
async.c (line 1226) mcparingov(), which only outputs this log message.
mcpa%d: SCC
silo overflow log sys/sundev/mcp_
async.c (line 1390) mcpa_srint(). Indeterminate.
responding printf rpc/pmap_kgetport.c
(lines 127, 132),
(lines 136, 141) getport_loop(), which is the kernel interface to
pmap_kgetport(). Talks to the portmapper using the specified socket address.
The function call pmap_kgetport()
fails, which means that the portmapper
does not respond. Hardware.
badop panic sys/sun/seg_kmem.c
(line 237),
kmem.c (line 209) segkmem_badop(), which only issues this panic message.
Because this function is called from an array
of function pointers, it may be called from a
variety of places. Indeterminate.
free panic sys/sun/seg_kmem.c
(line 328),
kmem.c (line 277) segkmem_free().
The function call page_numtookpp() failed.
Because this function is called from
an array of function pointers, it may be
called from a variety of places.
mapin --
invalid ptes panic sys/sun/seg_kmem.c
(line 436),
kmem.c (line 362) segkmem_mapin(), which manipulates kernel address.
Invalid page table entries ("invalid ptes").
Because this function is called from
an array of function pointers, it may be
called from a variety of places. Software.
mapout -- bad
as panic sys/sun/seg_kmem.c
(line 520),
kmem.c (line 410) segkmem_mapout(), whichreleases the mapping for the
Bad address space ("bad as"). Because
this function is called from an array of
function pointers, it may be called from a
variety of places. Software.
mapout -- no
ptes panic sys/sun/seg_kmem.c
kmem.c (line 412) segkmem_mapout(), which releases the mapping for the
No page table entries ("no ptes").
Because this function is called from an array
of function pointers, it may be called from a
variety of places. Software.
badop panic sys/vm/seg_map.c
(line 387) segmap_badop(), which only issues this panic message.
Because this function is called from an array
of function pointers, it may be called from a
variety of places. Indeterminate.
faulta - no vp call
_debug sys/vm/seg_map.c
(line 340) segmap_faulta(), which is used to start I/O on pages
The call GET_SMAP() for a segment and address fails. Indeterminate.
length panic sys/vm/seg_map.c
(line 254) segmap_fault(), which is called via a machine
specific fault handling routine.
Because this function is called from an array
of function pointers, it may be called from a
variety of places. Software.
getmap bad
offset panic sys/vm/seg_map.c
(line 582) segmap_getmap().
A requested block offset is greater than the
maximum block offset. Software.
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