Infodoc ID |
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Date |
12571 |
kernel config troubleshooting and common error messages |
26 Jan 1996 |
Troubleshooting Kernel Config Problems
Disclaimer: These notes are considered "unofficial"
This provides some tips for resolving a wide variety of kernel config problems.
Refer to the SunOS 4.1.x System and Network Administration manual, part number
800-3805-10 27-March 1990, Chapter 9, esp. p.243 and Ch.22, esp. p.700-704.
You should be able to build GENERIC (unless ex or make is damaged!) by:
# cd /sys/`arch -k`/conf;config GENERIC;cd ../GENERIC;make ; mv vmunix /;reboot
If not, the most basic "fix" is to reload /sys, using add_services, or by:
# cd /usr/kvm ; /usr/etc/install/extract_files st0 Sys (or sr0 for CD-ROM)
vfork failed OR process table full is caused by hitting current "maxusers".
pstat -T | grep process will show you <current_useage>/<(maxusers*16+10)>
Edit maxusers in /sys/`arch -k`/conf/YOUR_SYS_NAME (GENERIC has an 8)
where `arch -k` inserts your kernel sub-architecture: sun4/sun4c/sun4m/... and
YOUR_SYSTEM_NAME refers to a particular config file [or] build directory.
If System V IPC (sem,shm,msg) syscalls fail, it may be because you are running
GENERIC_SMALL. ipcs will say "...facility not in system." A quick-fix is:
# cp /usr/kvm/stand/vmunix / ; reboot
See also Sys&Net Adm man. p.702-703 and {/usr/include,/sys}/sys/{sem,shm,msg}.h
To find undefined symbols (caused by 3rd party .o's or patch conflicts) try:
nm -o /sys/`arch -k`/OBJ/*.o | grep the_missing_symbol
nm -o /sys/`arch -k`/YOUR_SYSTEM_NAME/*.o | grep the_missing_symbol
Also, check for NON-original 4.1.1 & 4.1.2 object files (identify patches) by:
ls -l /sys/`arch -k`/OBJ | grep -v "Oct 1[12] 1990" | grep -v "Oct 23 1991"
ps fails with " error on ktextseg..." IF you booted OTHER THAN /vmunix
Certain error messages are reported in /sys/`arch -k`/YOUR_SYS_NAME/makedeperrs
The following EXTREME step will usually uncover the most obscure make problems:
config -n YOUR_SYSTEM_NAME; cd ../YOUR_SYSTEM_NAME; make -dd -DD
FAX us ONLY the last 50 lines (1 page). 508-794-5350 Include Service Call#.
Miscellaneous: You can verify a message is from the GENERIC SunOS kernel by:
strings /usr/kvm/stand/vmunix | grep "whatever message"
For heterogeneous clients, sys is in /export/exec/kvm/client_arch-k (on
Note various things shown/controlled by the csh limit command.
Other common (unrelated) errors:
"out of memory" means not enough swap space (swap "IS" virtual memory!) Check:
pstat -T | tail -1
IMPORTANT corrections to adding swap, Sys&Net Adm manual p.247:
Do NOT use -n with mkfile!! (-v is OK). Secondary swap is entered in fstab
/whatever swap swap rw 0 0 (that page has several typo's on this!)
vmunix: sendsig: bad signal stack is strictly an application program "bug"
(a user-written program, itself, corrupted its stack)
silo overflow simply indicates too many characters came into some serial port.
zs0/1 is ttya/b; zs2 is the keyboard; zs3 is the mouse.
out of ptys (from rlogin): See OSS SRDB#2988 [modem#: 800-477-4768
if_snd/mbuf map full are ethernet problems. Check netstat -i for a max.
of a few I/O errors per 10,000 I/O pkts; collisions < a few % of Opkts.
x{m,d}balloc: out of {m,d}blks are streams overload. Check netstat -m
For panic: ifree/alloc/iinactive/..., check dkinfo for overlapping partitions.
These also might be from hardware failure, but they do not indicate an OS bug.
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