Following is a list of kernel boot error messages, along with
explanations of what the likely causes are. The MESSAGE TYPE is
listed first, followed by the SOURCE FILE, the FUNCTION and the
most likely CAUSE.
Boot: can't
stat file
system printf sys/boot/os/nfs_
vfsops.c (line 797) nfs_statfs(), which
gets the file system statistics. The function call rfscall() failed.
Mostlikely, file system statistics gathering on a
remote file system is failing. Hardware.
Boot: cannot
get root vnode printf sys/boot/os/vfs.c
(line 127) vfs_mountroot(),
which is called by
boot.c(main) to mount
the root filesystem. The function call VFS_ROOT() failed.
Boot: cannot
open INET
interface printf sys/boot/os/nfs_
vfsops.c (line 299) whoami(). The function call if_ifwithaf() failed.
pn_get failed printf sys/boot/os/vfs_
lookup.c (line 46) lookupname(), which
looks up the user file name,
and also handles allocation
and freeing of pathname
buffer. The function call pn_get() failed.
Boot: out of
memory printf sys/boot/os/nfs_
vfsops.c (lines 328, 333,
486) whoami(). The function call kmem_alloc() failed.
Boot: root
vnode busy printf sys/boot/os/vfs.c
(line 170) vfs_add(), which is called
by a specific file system's
mount routine to add the new
vfs into the vfs list and to
cover the mounted vnode. The covered vp is already mounted on.
Boot: unable
to mount root printf sys/boot/os/vfs.c
(line 108) vfs_mountroot(). The function call VFS_MOUNTROOT()
(previously Infodoc 2166)