Infodoc ID |
Synopsis |
Date |
15531 |
CDE: How to change the screen power management |
8 Jan 1998 |
The screensaver timeout is a function of the Xserver, ie. Xsun. The
default value is 10 minutes with a cycle time of 10 minutes. From
the Xserver man page:
-s minutes
Set screen-saver timeout time in minutes. The
default is 10 minutes.
-p minutes
Set screen-saver pattern cycle time in minutes. The
default is 10 minutes.
v sets video-off screen-saver preference. This is
the default.
-v sets video-on screen-saver preference.
Beginning with Solaris 2.6, this feature of the Xserver also controls
power management of the monitor. In order for power management of
the monitor to occur, the video-off preference must be set. These
Xserver values can be modified by the logged-in user via the xset
command or CDE style manager. The values for these settings may
be modified by the CDE environment once a user logs in.
The following procedure only guarantees how the Xserver will behave
when at the CDE login screen:
As superuser,
1. Add the following to the Xsun line in /etc/dt/config/Xservers (copy
this file from /usr/dt/config if it doesn't exist):
-s <timeout-in-minutes> -p <cycletime-in-minutes>
Add -v if you wish to disable power management.
For example, the line might look like:
:0 Local local_uid@console root /usr/openwin/bin/Xsun :0 -nobanner -s 5 -p 5
2. Make sure the following line is in /etc/dt/config/Xconfig (copy from
/usr/dt/config if it doesn't exist):
Dtlogin*terminateServer: True
This will cause the Xserver to restart after the user logs out, thus
restoring the default values as described in the Xservers file from
step 1.
3. Force the X Display Manager, dtlogin, to reread its configuration
/usr/dt/bin/dtconfig -reset
4. Log out.
Remember, the Xserver values can be modified by the logged-in user via the
xset command or CDE style manager. The values for these settings may
be modified by the CDE environment once a user logs in, either by default
CDE configuration or by user customization.