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The main page for this site is It is hosted there by kind permission of the International Sybase User Group ( as a service to the Sybase community.
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If you want uncompressed versions of the various sections, they can be got from ASE, ASA & REP.
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Sybase FAQ version 1.3, released 2000/07/24.
Some cleaning up. I don't know why I failed to sort out the links business sooner, but my defence is that I am not a web builder! Well, that is all changing fast! If any of you find problems with the website, please let me know. I cannot fix it if I don't know its broke!
Anyway, all of those standalone versions should be back to working again, please please please let me know if they are not!.
Apart from the explicit stuff listed below, I have done a fair bit of minor improvements. Replacing
SQL Server
with ASE in line with the Sybase naming for the server etc etc. Again, I don't have time to review every question each time it goes out, so if you spot something that needs updating tell me.Although you do not really care that much, I managed to get the FAQ approved by the news.answers people. Unfortunately, I have not been able to post it there or to comp.answers. Still trying. Not sure if it is my end, my ISP or something else. As you probably appreciate, I do not want to post the FAQ 20 times to CDS!!!
New FAQ items:
Updated FAQ items:
New FAQ items:
Updated FAQ items:
Deleted FAQ items:
The biggest addition for this release is the start of the FAQ for ASA. Its not much, but definitely a start. Thanks to Leo Tohill for providing some good ideas and reviewing the stuff I put together. Maybe some more people can be persuaded to help.
I have also done a little bit of a re-number again. Sorry (especially to Todd Boss) if this causes any hassle. I am trying to make it easier for people to find stuff, please bear with me. I have made sure that all of the questions have a unique number, so it is possible to refer to Qx.y.z of the ASE FAQ for instance. I am working on building an automatic index and cross reference, that will be part of the search stuff.
I spent quite a bit of time trying to correct problems with the search scripts so that links and icons worked after a search. I know that I need to modify and improve the search engine, which I will work on over the next couple of months.
New FAQ items:
Updated FAQ items:
Deleted FAQ items:
Section 9 was a bit of a mess, all of the hyperlinks had gone south. Fixed one or two other links that I found were bad.
I have updated quite a number of questions, correcting the odd typo and making changes relevant to System 11.x throughout. This last process is continuing, so do not get upset that your favourite 11.9 trick is not mentioned; get even: tell me about it!
This is my first release as maintainer, and most of the work this time around has been a restructure that will allow for the incorporation of FAQs for Replication, Adaptive Server and the other Sybase products. (Please see "How Can I Help").
Another big change is the location. When I took over maintaining the FAQ it occurred to me that we were going to have yet another web address for it. Since Pablo has left SGI, the original link pointing to Tom O'Connell's site disappeared. Tom will add a link pointing to the new site, but what happens when I hand over the reigns (after winning the lottery of course :-)? Michael Peppler suggested the ISUG site as a permanent home, and this fitted in perfectly with my own ideas. I must emphasize that this FAQ is not part of the ISUG or Sybase. It is independent of both those bodies and is not officially endorsed by either. Please see the Disclaimer.
I have updated quite a number of questions, correcting the odd typo and making changes relevant to System 11.x where ever I found a reference. This last process is continuing, so do not get angry that your favourite 11.9 trick is not mentioned, get even: tell me about it!
New FAQ items:
Linked to Anthony Mandic's Sybase on Solaris paper.
Updated FAQ items:
A million minor changes. No major rewrites.
Deleted FAQ items:
Dead links to a number of User Groups.
I am sorry if you have links pointing to particular sections, but I felt that a complete reorganisation was necessary in order to support the incorporation of new FAQs for the other products. Feedback is always welcome of course!
I have had offers from a couple of people to write sections (I will be in touch to get your sections added for the next release, thanks), but if you feel that you are in a position to add support for a section, or if you have some FAQs to add, please let me know. This is a resource that we should all support, so send me the stuff and I will include it.
Currently I am looking for maintainers of a section for Replication, Adaptive Server Anywhere, IQ server, MPP Server and Open Server. I am not sure whether to add a section for Omni Server. I sort of feel that since Omni has been subsumed into ASE as CIS that any questions FAQs should really be incorporated there. However, if you know of some good Omni gotchas or tips, whether they are still there in CIS or not, please send them in. I certainly plan to have a subsection of ASE dealing with CIS even if Omni does not get its own major section. I also think that we need sections on some of the really new stuff. Jaguar and the new engines also deserve a spot.
Another very useful way that you can help is in getting people to update their links. I have seen lots of links recently, some still pointing to Pablo's original, some pointing to Tom's site but referring to it as coming from the SGI site.
The current maintainer is David Owen ( and you can send errors in the FAQ directly to me. If you have an FAQ item (both the question and the answer) send it to and I will include it.
Do not send email to any of the officials at the ISUG, they are simply hosting the FAQ and are not responsible for its contents.
Also, do not send email to Sybase, they are not responsible for the contents either. See the Disclaimer.
Special thanks must go to the following people for their help in getting this FAQ to where it is today.
Pablo Sanchez for getting the FAQ off the ground in the first place and for many years of dedicated work in maintaining it.
Anthony Mandic ( for a million things. Patiently answering questions in all of the Sybase news groups, without which most beginners would be lost. For supporting and encouraging me in getting this FAQ together and for providing some pretty neat graphics.
The ISUG, especially Luc Van der Veurst ( and Michael Peppler (, for hosting this FAQ and providing support in setting up the website.
The members of the various news groups and mailing lists who, like Anthony, provide unstinting support. The list is fairly long, but I think that Bret Halford ( deserves a mention. If you go to Deja News and do a search, he submits even more replies than Anthony.
I am not sure how Pablo chose his select list, there is certainly no question as to their inclusion. I know that there are a couple of awards that the ISUG give out each year for the people that the ISUG members believe have contributed most to the Sybase community that year. I think that this section should honour those people that deserve an award each and every year. If you know of a candidate, let me know and I will consider his or her inclusion. Self nominations are not acceptable :-)
The following people have made it to the Sybase FAQ Hall of Fame:
Michael Peppler ( For Sybperl and all of the other tools of which he is author or instigator plus the ceaseless support that he provides through countless mailing lists, newsgroups and directly via email.
Scott Gray ( Father of sqsh, much more than simply a replacement for isql. How anyone developing or administering Sybase can survive without it, I will never know.
Pablo Sanchez ( Pablo got the first web based FAQ off the ground, wrote all of the first edition and then maintained it for a number of years. He did a fantastic job, building a resource that is worth its weight in gold.
This article is provided as is without any express or implied warranties. Whilst every endeavour has been taken to ensure the accuracy of the information contained in this article, the author, nor any of the contributors, assume responsibility for errors or omissions, or for damages resulting from the use of the information contained herein.
If you are not happy about performing any of the suggestions contained within this FAQ, you are probably better off calling Sybase Technical Support.