Infodoc ID |
Synopsis |
Date |
4104 |
Using adb tips |
27 Mar 2000 |
Here is a brief description of some commands to use in adb.
adb program corefile examine program and corefile
adb program examine program
adb - corefile examine corefile
adb examine a.out
addr,n?format examine part of program (use for instrs.)
addr,n/format examine part of corefile (use for data)
?l value locate 2-byte value
?L value locate 4-byte value
= print .
addr:b set breakpoint
addr,n:b cmd stops on nth occurance, and executes cmd.
:s step
addr:d delete breakpoint
:r run
,n:r run, skip first n breakpoints
:c continue
addr:c continue from new addr.
:k kill program
$c backtrace
$C backtrace plus local variables
$r dump registers plus instr. at pc
$e dump all externs
$b list breakpoints
$q quit
; command seperator
! shell escape
addr may be an expression:
name variable name function argument
+ add
- subtract
* multiply
/ divide
% integer divide
& and
| or
# round up
~ not
formats are a combination of:
b octal bytes
c characters
o octal words
d decimal words
f float
i instructions
a the value of the current address
u unsigned int
n newline
r blank space
^ --.
+ ++.
capital letters are long words
main,10?ai prints the address and instruction of the first 10
tab,3/2X3d prints 2 hex values, 3 decimals and repeats two
more times.
Note: last document update 1996
Sun Proprietary/Confidential: Internal Use Only