Given the distributed nature of the installation of the new Cluster Manager
I thought a document that pulls a lot of the info together might help. In
particular I am hoping this will help people doing LCT who will inevitably
get these queries.
First off check the necessary patches are applied as per Early Notifier 19224
To run SCM in a hotjava browser you need to determine the correct
version of the following :
o JDK packages SUNWjvrt & SUNWjvjit version 1.1.6 or later
o HotJava 1.1.4 or later
You may choose to run the HotJava browser on a cluster node - however
if the node running HotJava crashed it will need to be restarted on
another cluster node
Alternatively, install a web server on each node in the cluster that
will run SCM. :)
To determine the JDK version on a system type :
bandido{/home/rayh}64 :java -version
java version "1.1.6"
If the system displays a value lower than 1.1.6 - then download a later
version from:
To find out what version of HotJava a system is running - select About
HotJava from the Help menu.
If the browser displays a version lower than 1.1.4 or you you do not
even have a HotJava browser!! you can download the latest version from
To run the SCM Applet in a HotJava Browser from a cluster node
o run the HotJava browser on the cluster node
o Remotely display it onto the admin workstation (say)
o The SC 2.2 Release Notes say to set Medium Security as the default for
unsigned applets but in HotJava 3.0 I was unable to find
anything like this in Edit -> Preferences -> Applet Security
So I chose :
Edit -> Security Preferences
and chose the Advanced button for Security Administration Mode
This will give you extra entries in the Left Hand menu
Highlight the menu item Applets and JavaScript
then select Ask First
This seemed to get around the connection problem.
However, a much more elegant solution to this connection problem is now given
in SC 2.2 Release Notes Addendum (which is where most of this info is stolen
from). The document explains that you should ensure the following entries exist
in $HOME/.netscape/preferences.js :
user_pref("security.lower_java_network_security_by_trusting_proxies", true);
user_pref("signed.applets.codebase_principal_support", true);
Then point the browser at the URL :
The Cluster Manager does take a little while to update itself with all the
cluster configuration information - so a little patience is advised.
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