// To the reader, this note is working copy about the SSP 3.4. *Whats New!* - Automatic SSP and control board failover Automatically switches the main SSP or the primary control board to its spare counterpart when failure is detected. - Enhanced performance in dynamic reconfiguration (DR) Attach operations. (hpost -l7) - New Daemons fod : The failover daemon monitors SSP components (connections to the SSPs, controlboards, and domains) and SSP resources for failure conditions that prevent the proper operation of the main ssp. datasyncd : The data synchroniztion daemon propagates SSP config data ans specidfied files from the main SSP to the spare. This synchronization keeps SSP data on the spare SSP current with the main SSP for failover purposes. 1. SSP 3.4 requires a /.rhosts and /export/home/ssp/.rhosts created on both ssps. /.rhosts < "'mainssphostname' root" /.rhosts < "'sparessphostname' root" /export/home/.rhosts < "'mainssphostname' ssp" /export/home/.rhosts < "'sparessphostname' ssp" 2. Remove the command stty from .cshrc, this can prevent rcp, rsh from functioning. InfoDoc 11371 3. Floating Main SSP IP is required. 4. /etc/ssphostname on all domains should reflect floating hostname 5. The spare option to ssp_config no longer exits. 6. ssp_config float to configure floater 7. The nodename and primary hostname of ssps must be the hostname to the ssp-domain network. To Rename SSP: /etc/hosts /etc/nodename /etc/net/ticlts/hosts /etc/net/ticlts/hosts /etc/net/ticotsord/hosts ssp-unconfig reboot ssp-config 8. Automatic SSP Failover I. Situations A. FAiled Network Connections B. SSP Panci, power failure, drop to OBP C. Low on Resources. Ultra-Enterprise-10000.fod.VMThreshold:1000 Ultra-Enterprise-10000.fod.DSThreshold:1 II. Disable or Enable Automatic SSP Failover setfailover off (Disable) or setfailover on (Enable) showfailover (Verify) III. Forcing a Failover setfailover force *Before failover, sync ssps setdatasync (See VI) IV. Change Disk and Mem treshold from ssp_resource setfailover -m 1000 (In kilobytes) setfailover -d 1 (In kilobytes) V. See if ssp is MAIN or SPARE showfailover -r VI. Using setdatasync (datasyncd on spare does not monitor) - Add a file to the data propragation list setdatasync -i schedule - Remove a file from the dta propagation list setdatasync cancel - Erase entries from data propagation list setdatasync clean - Push a file to spare without adding to list setdatasync - Resync Main to Spare ssp. (Enough space in /tmp?) setdatasync backup VII. See sync status showdatasync showdatasync -l (To see list) VIII. cmdsync 9. Automatic Control Board Failover I. Disable or Enable cb failover setfailover -t cb off setfailover -t cb on II. To do a manual failover setfailover -t cb force 10. datasyncd ---> fod---->CB Summary of Failover Detection Points and Actions Failure SSP Failover Disabled CB Failover CB Dis Main to Domains X Spare to Domains X Main X Spare X Primary to Spare Hub X Prim to Spare Hub X Prim to Prim Hub X Spare to Spare Hub X Main Hub X Spare Hub X X Pri CB to Pri Hub X Spare CB to Spare Hub X Primary CB X Spare CB X