Renaming a domain * If using ssp 3.1 or greater: 1. Shutdown any running host domains. One may want to run sys-unconfig so the nodename can be changed cleanly. 2. on the ssp as the ssp user: % domain_rename -d old_domain_name -n new_domain_name 3. execute a bringup on the new_domain_name % domain_switch new_domain_name % bringup * If using ssp 3.0 or unpatched ssp 3.1 1. Shutdown any running host domains. One may want to run sys-unconfig so the nodename can be changed cleanly. 2. on the ssp as the ssp user. o remove the old domain % domain_remove -d old_domain_name o rename the eeprom.image file % cd /var/opt/SUNWssp/.ssp_private/eeprom_save % mv eeprom.image.old_domain_name eeprom.image.new_domain_name o edit the domain_history file cd /var/opt/SUNWssp/.ssp_private % vi domain_history (change occurance of old_domain_name to new_domain_name) o edit /etc/hosts # vi /etc/hosts (change old_domain_name to new_domain_name) o rename the domain directory % cd /var/opt/SUNWssp/adm % mv old_domain_name new_domain_name o create the new domain % domain_create -d new_domain_name o bringup the new domain % domain_switch new_domain_name % bringup